Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid Season 4 Pass

On May 25th, nWay released the Street Fighter Pack for Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, adding the iconic Ryu and Chun-Li into the game’s already deep roster of fighters. Not one to rest on their laurels, however, today nWay unveiled the first details on Season 4 for the game, and will be adding three brand new characters from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Power Rangers Dino Charge into the game over the next few months on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. So, who’s joining the fight?
- Originally a student at Stone Canyon, Adam impressed Zordon and the other Rangers with his martial arts prowess and has served as both the Black Ranger and Green Zeo Ranger. His fluid fighting style blends lightning-quick strikes with cunning warps that put him in perfect position for combos or mix ups to keep opponents off balance. Actor Johnny Yong Bosch will reprise his on-screen role of Adam Park in the game!
- An ancient bounty hunter who’s over 65 million years old, Poisandra is a sweet and deadly mix of power and grace. While not a pure villain, Poisandra and her husband Sledge have crossed paths with the Rangers numerous times in the pursuit of their bounties. She punishes opponents with her heart-shaped lance and booby-trapped sweets, with her husband Sledge offering several assist moves.
- She is an evil master of magic bent on conquering the universe. Earth has resisted her goal for millennia, thanks to Zordon and the Rangers. From the Moon Palace, Rita surveils the planet and hatches schemes with Lord Zedd, her partner in villainy and romance.
- Fight as Anubis Cruger wearing his iconic formal helmetless attire from Power Rangers: SPD. This skin is exclusive to the Season 4 bundle.
- The Gravezord first appeared in Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #9 comic book, published by BOOM! Studios. It was cobbled together from damaged and destroyed Zords from the World of the Coinless, a dimension ravaged by Ranger Slayer and Lord Drakkon, where surviving Rangers hold out without the aid of their Power Coins. This will be a free download for all players.
Season 4 can be purchased for $14.99, or characters can be purchased individually for $5.99 each.