Rita Repulsa Enters the Morphin Grid!

The most fearsome space witch in the galaxy has set her sights on revenge after 10,000 years trapped in a space dumpster. That’s right, the iconic (and maniacal) Rita Repulsa has entered the Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid today, December 14th, and is voiced by fan favorite Barbara Goodson!
From her ominous Moon Base, Rita plots her conquest of Earth, which has resisted her attacks for millenia. Rita’s fighting style emphasizes both mastery over her Putty Patroller army and a dizzying array of different magical spells guaranteed to keep her opponents off-balance. Pinwheel Chaos, a rolling ball of devastating energy, starts off at a distance and slowly moves closer to Rita, instantly putting opponents at a disadvantage by drawing them closer to her.
Thanks to her magical mastery of her pile of Putty Patrollers, almost nowhere in a battle is safe for her opponents. While her Patrollers mindlessly pursue, punch, and subdue opponents, Rita provides cover for them from a distance with myriad and devastating magical spells. Royal Candle bisects the screen with a fiery and explosive attack, making any opponent in mid-range a target. Anyone foolish enough to get into close range of Rita will then have to contend with her magic-enhanced kicks and staff strikes, coupled with her mastery of aerial maneuverability thanks to her Queen’s Ambit spell.
Season 4 can be purchased for $14.99, or characters can be purchased individually for $5.99 each.