Meet the Battle For The Grid League Finalists

Today's Featured Players: Logan22 and SkillzDatKillz
Alexander Yparraguirre has been playing video games as long as he can remember, with Street Fighter 2 being the first game he has clear memories of engaging with and loving. Since then he's always loved fighting games, hasn't competed in much tournaments till more recent years and managed some respectable Dive Kick placements, but overall not a known player. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers debuted literally on his first week of Kindergarten, the timing could not had been better for this franchise to have a profound impact on him and his childhood, both in watching it and his school surroundings being culturally engaged with it daily, it was all anyone ever talked about for years, dressed up as for Halloween and roleplayed in the playgrounds (RIP X-Men animated series). The energy, fantasy and live action superheroics of the show were all unique and rare for its time, perfectly suited for little kids without much live action superheroes to look towards. Of course he also played all the SNES, Genesis and Game Gear Power Ranger games too, which left in him a huge nostalgic itch for modern Power Ranger games, and boy was Battle for the Grid a quality one up his alley. He decided to participate in the League as much as he could out of sheer love for the franchise that he feels almost indebted to for enriching his childhood so much. Versus games like Marvel vs Capcom were never his strong suit in fighters but participating in all the League tournaments over the past 18 months or so has greatly enhanced his understanding and play of them, though he still has a long way to go. This has easily been the most fun versus-style game he's played and the one he's appreciated the most. He sends shoutouts and love for the community that has made it all such a pleasant experience throughout.
Sdk is a fighting game enthusiast who has been playing competitively since 2010 with his main game being UMVC3. He is also the reigning 2019 Evo champion for BFTG and is looking to take home another championship title this Saturday.
Hello my name is Charles, also known as omega_black or OB for short, and I'm a fighting game competitor from Chicago, IL. I was introduced to gaming as a child in the 90s however I really got into fighting games as a teen and eventually started competing in major competitions in 2017 mostly in Tekken and Anime fighting games such as Blazblue. I picked up BTFG at launch and have been playing and enjoying the big body characters like Goldar and Dragon Armor Trini ever since. Alongside my love for BFTG and Power Rangers as a series, I enjoy traveling, collecting, playing, and modding retro gaming consoles to work on modern displays, as well as grilling and smoking meats.
PS: Please help Dragon Armor Trini with some buffs.
Born in Bridgeport, CT and have been a fan of the franchise ever since the very first episode aired. There is no season I haven’t watched to this day and I’m pretty sure I can beat anyone in ranger trivia. My favorite ranger of all time is Tommy. I entered the competitive fighting game scene in 2009 with the release of street fighter 4 but didn’t start attending majors until 2010. I always wanted a modern power rangers fighting game to come out and was stoked when BFTG was announced. My goal was to not just be the best in my state but to be the best in the country. I havent won a big tournament since East Coast Throwdown 2019 but its time to add another victory to the list. Tommy, Jason and Lord Drakkon have had my back in this game since day 1.
Drewchuck liked fighting games since he was kid,and would mash buttons in MvC2 and Tekken in arcades, but it wasn't until 2009 that he started seriously learning fighting games, with BlazBlue Calamity Trigger. His first real tournament wasn't until 2010, with BlazBlue Continuum Shift and has been competing in assorted games ever since.
“When I was 5 year old I wanted to be a Power Ranger when I grew up, so I started taking martial arts classes. I took them for about 12 years, and got my second degree blackbelt. I'm really out of practice now, but I can still be a ranger on the Grid.”
Chimera is a 24 year old Electrician from SoCal. He loves lifting and eating wings. He has played Grid since launch alongside the other players in the final and can’t wait to put on a show for the community and bring them the gold.
Theresa Garcia, also known as LosTheresa, is a rookie fighting game competitor. Power Rangers Battle for the Grid is the first fighting game she competes in seriously. Most of her competitive experience comes from Splatoon 1 and 2 where she co-captains Los Inklings, one of the oldest active teams in the scene. She also is undefeated in goldeneye tournaments.