2.6 Patch Notes

Major Improvements
CPU AI has been dramatically improved and a CPU Difficulty setting has been added to the Settings menu.
CPU Difficulty affects Arcade, Story, and Versus (CPU) modes.
CPU AI now moves around and behaves more naturally.
Lord Drakkon’s Throne Room (Story) and Command Center (Story) are now selectable stages.
Presentation Improvements
Camera effects improved on Throws, EX Attacks, Swap Strikes, and Supers.
Visual effect and dramatic super pause added to Super activations (i.e., “pre-flash pause”)
Slight character shake effect added to character attacks (during hitpause).
BGM Mode has been added to the Audio Settings menu, with options of Normal and Random (plays any stage BGM, regardless of stage selected).
Bug Fixes
Inflicting a “Super pause” against an incoming character no longer causes erratic behavior. I.e., performing a Super after KO-ing a character no longer causes the next incoming character to ignore Super pause.
All Characters
Fixed a hitbox interaction issue with MZ Ultra activation (meaty throws versus MZ Ultra no longer causes erratic behavior)
Goldar Tackle (Forward Special) total frame count increased from 65 to 73 to address a true infinite combo.
Dragon Armor Trini
Jet Rush (Back Special): DAT now becomes projectile invincible on frame 19, down from 45.
Missile Charge (Forward Special) is now cancelable (on hit or block) into Dragon Pound.
Mega Launch (EX Attack): follow-up blasts are now guaranteed to land regardless of distance.
Trini Megabeam (Neutral Special): fixed an issue that caused DAT's Megabeam to deal excessive block damage.
Ranger Slayer
Pterotumble Attack (EX Attack): fixed an issue with Ranger Slayer's facing direction in certain situations (now auto-corrects… correctly).
Tommy Oliver
Dragonzord Missile Assault (Super): cinematic startup can no longer be interrupted (“pre-flash” is invincible).
Jason Lee Scott
Forward throw is now cancelable into Triple Slice.
Back Roll (Back Special): each blaster shot is now cancelable into special versions of Triple Slice 2. E.g., back special > special > forward special > forward special.
Cenozoic Blue Ranger
Portal Engine (Super): physics box adjustments to accommodate mid-screen hits.
Cenoball (Assist): durability increased significantly.
Jen Scotts
Fixed an issue where Jen Scotts’s position changed erratically when she’s hit in specific situations.
Standing Medium: hitbox height reduced slightly.
Forecast: Rain (Assist): assist entrance starting position moved forward slightly, making it easier to hit her before she fires her missiles. Assist projectile homing capability reduced slightly.
Time Force Combination (EX Attack): follow-up shots are now guaranteed to land regardless of distance.
Trey of Triforia
Wrath of Pyramidas (Super): cinematic startup can no longer be interrupted (“pre-flash”) is invincible.
Magna Defender
Normal attacks: Magna Defender can now perform Light > Medium > Heavy chains.
Health reduced to 950, down from 1000.
Soulshredder (Back Special follow-up): attack property has been fixed; is no longer an unblockable attack.
TK Sting (Assist): projectiles are now destroyed if their owner (Scorpina) is successfully hit. Each projectile applies 2 points of combo damage scaling, up from 1 each, reducing follow-up combo damage significantly.
Standing Heavy 1: damage reduced to 70, from 80.
Standing Heavy 2: damage reduced to 70, from 80.
Robert “RJ” James
Lunar Cyclone (Super): raw damage reduced from 480 to 450.
Knee Crush (Jumping Special): reduced initial jump height. Decreased total travel range and drop speed. Reduced blockstun from 27 frames to 21 (always jab punishable).
Wolf Crush (Jumping Special follow-up): reduced blockstun from 27 frames to 21 (i.e., punishable with most light attacks).
Standing Light: total damage reduced from 60 to 40.
Standing Medium: total damage reduced from 60 to 40.
Crouching Medium: no longer ignores the juggle limiter.
Standing Light and Standing Medium: now boost the juggle limiter gauge slightly.
Lauren Shiba
Health reduced to 950, down from 1000.
Sakura Strike (Assist): projectiles are now destroyed if their owner (Lauren) is successfully hit.
Standing Medium 1 and 2: added slight juggle limiter penalty.
Crouching Heavy: total damage reduced from 90 to 80. Each hit now applies a point of scaling. Meter gain slightly reduced.
Samurai Fire Detonate reworked
Hitbox height reduced significantly.
Speed increased significantly.
No longer hits multiple times (now a one-hit crumple, dealing 70 damage). Spawns one vertical butterfly projectile, down from three.
These changes are aimed to make Samurai Fire > Crouching Heavy sequences less oppressive against much of the cast.
Samurai Symbol Power (Super): damage reduced from 500 to 470.